• Town Center Specific Plan Update (TCSPA2023-1) - Public Hearing

  • Notice is hereby given that the Santee City Council will hold a public hearing on the following:

    6:30 p.m. | Wednesday | February 26, 2025

    CASE REFERENCE: Town Center Specific Plan (TCSP) Update: General Plan Amendment
    (GPA2023-1), Town Center Specific Plan Amendment (TCSPA2023-1), Rezone (R2023-1),
    Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZA2023-2), and Environmental Impact Report (AEIS2023-2)
    SUBJECT: An update to the TCSP involving the expansion of the overall TCSP boundary by
    approximately 41 acres (from 610 acres to 651 acres), creation of five distinct, yet interconnected
    neighborhoods, and the updating of the land use and development standards within the TCSP
    consistent with densities and intensities established by existing zoning and the adopted and
    certified 2021-2029 Housing Element. The project would also expand the former Arts and
    Entertainment Overlay District (AEOD) area by 170 acres (from 172 acres to 342 acres) and
    rename the neighborhood the Arts and Entertainment Neighborhood (AEN). The purpose of the
    AEN is to create a mixed-use walkable environment with both day and night activities, becoming
    “Downtown Santee.”

    The proposed TCSP includes conceptual plans and development options to facilitate housing on
    four Housing Element sites consistent with the density maximums of the adopted Housing
    Element and state density bonus law.

    LOCATION: The Project encompasses the 651-acre Town Center Specific Plan (TCSP) area,
    including five distinct neighborhoods and four Housing Element sites.

    APPLICANT: City of Santee

    ZONING: Varies


    ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Based on the analysis and conclusions of the EIR, the City of
    Santee finds that the proposed Project would result in significant Project-specific impacts
    associated with aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils,
    greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, land use, noise, transportation,
    tribal cultural resources and utilities and service systems. Where feasible, Project-specific
    impacts would be reduced to less than significant with the implementation of identified mitigation
    measures. However, Project-specific impacts associated with the following topics of study may
    remain significant and unavoidable: air quality, hazards and land use compatibility related to
    airport density limitations, noise, and transportation.

    The purpose of this notice is to give property owners in the vicinity of the subject property and
    other interested parties an opportunity to be informed of the proposal prior to action by the City
    Council. The time within which judicial review of a City Council decision must be sought is
    governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. A right to appeal a City
    Council decision is governed by the Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5. At the subject
    hearing any interested party may appear and be heard.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Pursuant to the California Government Code, please take notice
    as follows: If you challenge the action described in this written notice in court, you may be limited
    to raising only those issues you or someone else raises at the public hearing, or in written
    correspondence delivered to the City of Santee at, or prior to, the public hearing.

    The City of Santee complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require reasonable
    accommodations for this meeting, contact the City Clerk's Office at 619-258-4100, extension 114
    at least three (3) working days prior to the date of the public hearing. If you have any questions
    about the above proposal or want to submit comments, you may contact the Planning and Building
    Director, Sandi Sawa, AICP, at the Planning & Building Department, 10601 Magnolia Avenue,
    Santee, CA 92071. Phone 619-258-4100, extension 167. You may also review the project file
    during business hours at the Planning & Building Department: Monday through Thursday between
    8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and on Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.