Hello Santee!
The Bradley Avenue/SR-67 Project officially (and finally) broke ground on Tuesday October 1st in El Cajon. As many Santee residents travel to our neighboring city, we have seen the need for improvement at the Bradley exit off the 67 for not just years, but decades. The project will improve the local roadway and freeway interchange. For Bradley Avenue from west of Magnolia to east of Mollison Avenue, improvements include bike lanes, sidewalks, and turn lanes. For the interchange, improvements include replacing the narrow bridge over the 67 with a new bridge and improving on and off-ramps.
This project advances sustainability and enhances the community by reducing traffic congestions while increasing safety, supporting travel choices like walking and bicycling, and replacing water pipelines. Total project cost is estimated at $59 million and is funded by the regional TransNet program, along with other local, state and federal funds. Construction State 1 will begin (late 2024 through mid-2025) with replacing underground waterlines before road improvements (early 2025 through mid-2026) to widen the local roadway from two lanes to four. During Stage 2 (mid-2026 through early 2028), the bridge will get replaced with a wider bridge and the on and off-ramps will be upgraded. Stay updated by visiting the project website at: https://bit.ly/3mmXjcL